Music Crowns
The Filtered Excellence
Niji Magazine
Neon Music
Apple News
Honest Mum
Aruba Red is interviewed as part of the Honest Mum 'Wonderful Women Series'

Tinnitist includes 'Wild Woman' in their 62 Songs For Your Long Weekend Soundtrack
Aruba captured the magic and power of the sounds for this unique recording and its fiery and uplifting lyrics that bear so much significance for the ongoing challenges women face within the patriarchal paradigm and birthing in the system
The Hype Magazine

We Are The City

We Are The City interview Aruba Red as part of their Inspirational Woman Series.

London TV

The Noise Gate

The Noise Gate writes about 'Butterfly' remixes
Talk Radio

Essentially Pop
Vents Magazine premieres 'Butterfly' visuals

‘Butterfly’ is drenched with Aruba’s inimitable, soulful and serene style, building up to an uplifting crescendo of beats and ecstatic vibes.
Blasting News

The Noise Gate

UK Music: Post COVID Resilience
Aruba Red gives a telling account on COVID and how to remain resilient.
'I have been embracing the art of surrender - the knowing that we cannot control the impact of covid-19 on the music industry, but we can remain deeply connected with our creativity, fluidity and adaptability, forging new ways to connect with people.'
N8 Communicator Magazine
Morning Star
11th March 2020
Niji Magazine
Pauze Radio
Penny Black Music
At The Barrier
Spiral Earth
There are shades of Kate Bush in the phrasing of a few of the vocal breaks, and you may not be able to lose that thought as you listen through. Other influences are less obvious. If you really want to put it in a box, this is probably a work of 'progressive jazz blues hip hop', although 'alternative' would probably do.
Northern Sky
Listening to these songs can fill you with sadness, but at the same time, a good deal of hopeful optimism.
At The Barrier
Aruba Red has created a great selection of songs on Shadow Work that can comfort, console, and give hope to anyone. Licks of Erykah Badu, Prince, Nitin Sawhney (a mentor to Aruba Red) and Portishead all coalesce to make a delightful mix.